Sam Adams' Legacy

How can you give thanks for something you've already lost?

We enjoy the highest standard of living in human history because for three centuries (roughly 1600-1900) America was a Christian Theocracy.

Americans today have been brainwashed to recoil in horror at the word "theocracy." We've been trained to associate the term with "taliban" and a police state run by priests.

The word "Theocracy" comes from two Greek words meaning "God rules."

You can have a good theocracy or a bad one.
An evil god produces an evil theocracy.

A nation that claims not to be a theocracy is deceiving itself.
In such a nation everybody thinks he is his own god.
In such a nation "the State" turns out to be "god walking on earth,"
as Hegel put it.

America's God was the God of the Christian Bible.

A nation "under God" -- like America -- is, by definition, a "Theocracy."

A nation whose founding Charter acknowledges that God is "the Supreme Judge of the World" is a Theocracy.

George Washington, "the Father of his Country," was a Christian Theocrat.

In his official capacity as President, he acknowledged that our nation has a "duty" to God. Such a nation is a Theocracy, as is a nation that confesses that God is "the great Lord and Ruler of Nations" and seeks "To promote the knowledge and practice of true religion." All of these Theocratic ideas were asserted by George Washington, in his Thanksgiving Proclamation of October 3, 1789.

In 1892, the U.S. Supreme Court, sensing the rise of an atheistic theocracy and the decline of America's Christian Theocracy, reviewed American history and reminded the nation that America is a Christian nation:

The Ten Commandments prohibit

1. Idolatry
2. False Religion
3. Swearing a false oath
4. Refusal to work
5. Disrespecting parents and other authorities
6. Murder
7. Cheating on your Wife
8. Theft
9. Slander
10. Covetousness

For more than 300 years, "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God" -- that is, the Bible -- permeated America's schools and American culture. These laws are the foundation of civilization. Industry, commerce, social harmony, charity, and education are impossible without them. More than a billion people on earth live in poverty and ignorance because their culture is rooted in magic and envy rather than true religion. By creating a Christian Theocracy, America's Founding Fathers laid the foundation for ordered liberty, economic prosperity, and peaceful, dependable social relations.

We should be thankful we still feel the benevolent effects of America's Christian Theocracy, even though today we are something of an apostate Christian Theocracy.

America's Founders spoke of America as "an experiment in liberty." Their "experiment" succeeded in making America the most prosperous -- and most admired -- nation in human history.

In the 20th century the "Eastern Liberal Establishment" -- of which Barack Obama is the latest incarnation -- attempted a new experiment: an experiment in government central planning. The "establishment" and its think-tanks (like the Council on Foreign Relations) exported this experiment to nations like Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union. Everywhere this experiment has been tried, the results have been poverty and mass death. In the 21st century, the United States is now becoming an atheistic petri dish for these mad scientists.

As long as we give thanks to any one but God for the prosperity we enjoy, we will be part of a brainwashed religious cult: the cult of the omnipotent State.

As long as we fear the word "Theocracy," we will be slaves in an atheistic theocracy where every man thinks he is his own god, yet the State wields total, crushing power, and all but the elite live in poverty. Three centuries of Christian Theocracy and one century of "the separation of church and state" teach us no clearer lesson than this.

This Thanksgiving season, don't just give a little thanks to God. Thank Him like an extremist would. Jesus said,

"I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth."
Revelation 3:15-16

Barack Obama is an extremist. He has worked hard to get where he is today, and where he will be on January 20th, 2009, becoming the most powerful dictator in human history, inheriting the office of "unitary executive" created for him by George W. Bush.

A quarter of a million wanna-be extremists have applied for positions in the Obama Nomenklatura. They will direct an army of millions of government employees who will just be "following orders" when they begin ruling over lukewarm Christians.

Jesus has more respect for Barack Obama and Vladamir Putin than He does for millions of lukewarm Christians who are embarrassed to defend Christocracy. Obama and Putin have worked hard to get where they are. Like the Gentile kings mentioned by Jesus in Mark 10:42-45, these extremists love to be "archists." They get an adrenaline rush by imposing their will on the masses by force. As Bill Clinton's advisor Paul Begala put it, "Stroke of the pen; law of the land; kinda cool."

Jesus said His disciples are not to be "archists." They are not to initiate force against others, compel them with threats of violence, confiscate their wealth, or deprive them of their God-given liberty.

If you want to give thanks for all that God has given us as citizens of a Christian nation, there are three things you can do.

1. De-program yourself. Pull yourself out of the clutches of the world's largest religious cult: the cult of the Messianic State.

2. Re-program yourself: Find out how America's Founding Fathers were able to risk "our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor" to abolish a government that only demanded two percent of colonial America's income -- while our current government is confiscating over 50% of everything you earn. Follow their educational program.

3. Get a "coach." Pair up with a mentor. Find someone to hold you accountable.

America has three choices in the 21st century. We can become

  • an Islamic theocracy
  • an atheistic theocracy, where everyone believes he is his own god, but the secular state has total power and you have no rights
  • or we can become a better Christian Theocracy.

America was a Christocracy. It could be better. Our problems stem from the fact that we have not been perfect Christocrats.

Benjamin Rush signed the Declaration of Independence and served in the Presidential administrations of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison -- each of whom came from a different political party. And of what party was Rush?

I have been alternately called an aristocrat and a democrat. I am now neither. I am a Christocrat. I believe all power. . . will always fail of producing order and happiness in the hands of man. He alone Who created and redeemed man is qualified to govern him.

If you would like to become an extraordinary Christocrat, just keep reading.

You've heard of "Joe the Plumber."

Before he became "The Father of the American Revolution" and signed the Declaration of Independence, Samuel Adams was "Sam the Brewer."

But after some study, Sam realized that he needed to supplement his 9-5 job with the task of abolishing tyranny and defending "Liberty Under God."

If you are not an enemy of tyranny,
you are an enemy of Liberty Under God.

Sam Adams, speaking at the State House in Philadelphia, “to a very numerous audience” on August 1, 1776:
From the day on which an accommodation takes place between England and America, on any other terms than as independent States, I shall date the ruin of this country. A politic minister will study to lull us into security by granting us the full extent of our petitions. The warm sunshine of influence would melt down the virtue which the violence of the storm rendered more firm and unyielding. In a state of tranquillity, wealth, and luxury, our descendants would forget the arts of war and the noble activity and zeal which made their ancestors invincible. Every art of corruption would be employed to loosen the bond of union which renders our resistance formidable. When the spirit of liberty, which now animates our hearts and gives success to our arms, is extinct, our numbers will accelerate our ruin and render us easier victims to tyranny. Ye abandoned minions of an infatuated ministry, if peradventure any should yet remain among us, remember that a Warren and Montgomery are numbered among the dead. Contemplate the mangled bodies of your countrymen, and then say,
What should be the reward of such sacrifices?
Bid us and our posterity
      bow the knee,
      supplicate the friendship, and
      plow, and
      sow, and
to glut the avarice of the men who have
      let loose on us the dogs of war
      to riot in our blood and
      hunt us from the face of the earth?
If ye love wealth better than liberty,
the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedomgo from us in peace.
We ask not your counsels or arms.
Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.

May your chains sit lightly upon you, and
may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!
Sam Adams became America's Coach by using a network of communication ("The Committees of Correspondence") to educate, inspire, and empower Americans to risk "our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor" in defense of the gifts God gave all mankind. Because of his coaching, Americans sent representatives to Philadelphia to sign a Declaration of Independence from Britain and Dependence upon God.

I want to become the next Samuel Adams, abolish tyranny, and restore "Liberty Under God." But since the population of America is 100 times larger than in Sam Adams' day, we need 100 new Sam Adamses.

I'm going to convince you to become one of them.

What did Samuel Adams study that converted him from a Brewer to a Founding Father?

I know the answer to that question.

In 1736, at age fourteen, Sam Adams entered Harvard College to begin studies in theology. While at Harvard, Adams broadened his studies to politics and political theory.

I know what books Adams read.

One of them was the Bible.

Every single person who signed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution would say this about you:

You are a victim of Educational Malpractice.

The average teenager in 1776 knew more about what it means to be a great American, a great Christian, and a great Human Being than you do. Transport the average teenager from 1776 to our time and that teenager could figure out how to use your Blackberry, your remote control, and drive your SUV in a matter of days, but it would take you months, maybe years, to learn as much about geography, morality, history, religion, political science, virtue, and develop the habits of character which the average American possessed in 1776. Half of the kids graduating from high school this year will be functionally illiterate (but we can be grateful that their "constitutional rights" were never violated in public school by being taught that God says "Thou shalt not steal." [And when you're retired and vulnerable, these amoral kids will hold the reigns of power.])

This coming year is the year you are going to read the Bible, along with the works Samuel Adams would recommend if he were here: the three most important books on political and economic theory in the history of Western Civilization.

And your life will never be the same.

God is calling you to make 2009 the most extraordinary year of your life.

God is calling you to become

  • An Extraordinary American
  • An Extraordinary Christian
  • An Extraordinary Human Being

This was Sam Adams' agenda.

The first letter Adams wrote for the Committees of Correspondence urged Americans to remember

  • their rights as Englishmen
  • their rights as Christians
  • their rights as Human Beings.

You can view his letter here:

If you heed this call, you can become

  • An Extraordinary American
  • An Extraordinary Christian
  • An Extraordinary Human Being

Don't give in to the temptation to say you don't have to be extraordinary. Don't think for a minute that you can remain ordinary, moderate, neutral, or lukewarm. Jesus said to people just like us,

“I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.”
Revelation 3:15-16

2009 is not looking like a pretty year. A lot of church-goers are going to be vomited out.

You will enjoy your life more if you are not lukewarm
and you will please the Lord if you push yourself and work to become an Extraordinary Christian.

That's where Samuel Adams Coaching comes in.

Every Extraordinary athlete has a coach.

Everyone who wants to be extraordinary needs a coach.

You need someone to push you.
• Someone to make you do more push-ups than you think you're capable of doing.
• Someone to tell you to turn off your new HDTV or video game and take seriously the life God gave you.

You're going to join others who have heard this extraordinary call, and join them in a continuous discussion through email, an internet forum, and weekly live "webinars," and you will want to become another Sam Adams. [Click here for more information.]

And you'll be able to take the first steps to fulfilling your dream of becoming

  • An Extraordinary American
  • An Extraordinary Christian
  • An Extraordinary Human Being

What Would Samuel Adams Do if He Could Visit America in 2008?

What would you do if you became

  • An Extraordinary American
  • An Extraordinary Christian
  • An Extraordinary Human Being

What would John Hancock, Patrick Henry, or Roger Sherman, or George Mason do if they were here today?

Samuel Adams Coaching will help you become extraordinary by showing you how to avoid the three biggest mistakes Samuel Adams made in his life.

First Mistake: He emphasized "rights" instead of duties.

Americans today think they have a right to a first-class education, a high-paying job, wonder-working healthcare, and just about everything they want -- all free, of course.

Second Mistake: He took up arms to abolish the government.

Abolishing tyranny is a good idea. But not with muskets and cannons. Killing a human being created in the Image of God just because that human being is an IRS agent and wants to take your money -- this is not a Christian thing to do.

Third Mistake: He replaced the government he abolished with a new one.

At first, Sam Adams, like Patrick Henry ("Give me liberty or give me death!"), was an opponent of the Constitution of 1787. Eventually Adams agreed to support it. Patrick Henry never did.

Patrick Henry was right.

The Constitution, with its "separation of powers," "checks and balances," and theory of "enumerated powers," failed to prevent the rise of an atheistic tyranny.

Madison, Hamilton, and John Jay sold America on a Constitution which they claimed would prevent the rise of another tyranny.

They were wrong.

As great as the Constitution was, it could not prevent a tyranny worse than the one America abolished in a war from 1775-1783.

Every single person who signed the Declaration of Independence and/or the Constitution would take immediate steps to begin abolishing our present government if they were here in 2008.

And because America's Founding Fathers were excellent students of history, if they could see the history of the world from 1789 to 2009, they would become the most radical of libertarians.

They gave us what they called "an Experiment in Liberty," and America became the most prosperous and admired nation in history. Washington D.C. abandoned that experiment in the 20th century, embarking on an experiment in government central planning. Everywhere this experiment was tried -- German, Italy, the Soviet Union -- it left poverty and mass death.

Sam Adams would see that we need to abolish the current tyranny, and replace it with nothing but "the Invisible Hand" of 100% unregulated, Laissez-faire capitalism.

You're thinking: "Those greedy capitalists will exploint the poor!"

As if greedy politicians don't.

But your moral concerns are valid.

That's why Samuel Adams believed America had to be a Christian Theocracy.

Sam Adams said,

[N]either the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.

His cousin, John Adams, said:

[W]e have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. . . . Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

[I]t is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue.

Sam Adams wrote to his cousin John:

Let divines and philosophers, statesmen and patriots, unite their endeavors to renovate the age, by impressing the minds of men with the importance of educating their little boys and girls, of inculcating in the minds of youth the fear and love of the Deity. . . and, in subordination to these great principles, the love of their country. . . . In short, of leading them in the study and practice of the exalted virtues of the Christian system.

Letter to John Adams, 1790, who wrote back: "You and I agree."
Four Letters: Being an Interesting Correspondence Between Those Eminently Distinguished Characters, John Adams, Late President of the United States; and Samuel Adams, Late Governor of Massachusetts. On the Important Subject of Government
(Boston: Adams and Rhoades, 1802) pp. 9-10

On the day after the Constitution went into effect in March of 1789, America and each one of the 13 united States was a Christian Theocracy.

You are going to join other extraordinary Americans in undertaking the task of abolishing the U.S. government and making America a Christian Theocracy again.

Or you can expect to be vomited out.

You're frightened by the word "abolish." You don't own a musket or a cannon. You don't like the idea of killing today's "Red Coats," because many of them are your friends and neighbors.

I share your concerns.

The only way you'll be convinced you should work to abolish the government is to be convinced that killing is always wrong. That stealing or extortion ("taxation") is always wrong. That kidnapping or "conscription" is always wrong. That violence -- even the politically-legitimized violence of "the State" -- is always wrong.

In short, I'm you're going to become a pacifist. And your opposition to violence, revolution, assassination, vandalism, extortion, and destruction of peace and order will compel you to abolish the U.S. federal government

I'm betting that in one year I can coach you through the education Sam Adams received at Harvard, and turn you into a radical American, a Christian extremist, and an extraordinary human being. You in turn will become a coach to another, who will then coach another. And if you aren't convinced you need to become the next Sam Adams, and coach another radical anarchist into existence, I'll give you your tuition back. Every penny. Without an argument.

Go ahead and sign up now.

The Declaration of Independence says we not only have the right, but the duty to abolish any government that becomes a tyranny. By every reasonable standard, Washington D.C. is more tyrannical than the government Adams, Jefferson, and John Hancock abolished.

If you read through the Bible with a coach who is committed to shaping you into an extraordinary American and Christian in 2009, in 2010 you will be ready to work for the abolition of the Constitution and government of the United States.

Yes, "abolition."

Not "reform."

This is radical.

This is extremist.

But this is definitely not lukewarm.

Sign up now or forever be lukewarm!